Trademark Registration
Trademark Registration Application
Trademarks for your brand can be in the form of text or image based (containing words, numbers or design). In simple words, the identical thing for your brand is a trademark. Whereas, trademarks can be beneficial for growing a healthy business & creating brand awareness.
SAECOM can help you filling the trademark application in USA, Canada, Europe and UK. Get brand registry approval within 7 to 10 days if you get it submitted by us!
We have the best team on board for filing a trademark for your brand. There are numerous benefits that will help you grow your business. To protect your brand as an Amazon seller, it is essential for you to understand the importance of trademark protection.
Click the button below to get it started!

Brand Registry Approval in a Week
SAECOM’s swift trademark registration service. We are committed to securing your brand’s identity on Amazon in just one Week to 10 Days. With trademark registration, you gain access to Brand Registry, protecting your products and enhancing your online presence. Don’t go for IP Accelerator Program and get ripped off, our registration service will also get you brand registry approved in short time. Act now to establish trust, deter counterfeiters, and enjoy the benefits of exclusive brand content and brand analytics tools. Contact us today for expedited trademark registration and Brand Registry approval.
Trademark Registration
Pricing: Starting from $850
- Brand Name Availability Check on Amazon
- Trademark Application
- Brand Registry Approval

Benefits of trademark registration
Enrol brand registry
Trademark registration makes it easier to file brand registrations at Amazon. whereas enrolling in a brand registry helps to overcome multiple issues. You can check and balance your product listings. You will drive multiple benefits, such as PPC, SEO, or brand awareness.
Enhanced brand content (EBC)
Sellers at Amazon are thinking about the best strategy for increasing their business. Whereas, at the brand registry, you qualify for displaying A+ content at the product listing, which helps gather more customers. The infographic representation through images makes for more appealing visuals and helps increase sales.
Preventing counterfeits
SAECOM drives you with countless benefits of trademarks. Our backend team provides expertise in protecting your brand from hijackers and black hats. Whereas, going for a trademark automatically gives us a delightful chance to keep an eye on brand performance. And keep a check on people who are causing harm to your listing.
Easy brand expansion
Making a brand is not as easy as it seems. It demands tireless work and devoted attention. Then you are on your way to brand expansion. With a trademark, the business gets a step ahead, and you can reach your designated level of success in no time with SAECOM. Our backend team is fully concerned with making your brand reach its peak worth and success.
We truly believe in giving brands their own identity. Rather than copying others, be like them. SAECOM is fully influenced by providing quality work while competing with international standards. It is because we believe that products might be made in factories, but brands are built in the mind. With the win-win strategy all across!
Saad A.