Is it Possible to Change your Amazon Seller Name?
Amazon Vendor Central Login
It is indeed possible to modify your Amazon Vendor Central name. Even the legal name of the company and its tax ID structure are modifiable. Use these instructions or watch my video to accomplish this:
Accessible Amazon Vendor Seller Central:
- Navigate to Settings and select Account Info.
- Either select “Your Seller Profile” or go here: Details about the Seller
- To ensure you have the ability to make changes, make sure you are signed in as the primary account administrator.
- Click on the store information to edit.
- Modify your display name (this needs to be done for every country you sell in).
- Enter your Amazon Vendor Central in order to modify your Amazon seller name. Choose “Account Info” and then “Edit” the “Seller Information” from the “Settings” menu.
You can hire SAECOM for this, and we would be pleased to help you if you need assistance making this transition. Our area of expertise also includes assisting manufacturers and wholesalers who are just starting out on Amazon, as well as helping established sellers grow their businesses through new releases, listing optimization, and advertising.

The Complete Information about changing name
Greeting, Let us walk you through changing your seller’s central name on Amazon in this video.
In Amazon Seller Central, you can really modify your seller name. We’ll demonstrate how to accomplish it for you.
How do modify the Central Seller Name on Amazon Seller?
- After logging into Amazon Vendor Central and selecting Settings, Account Info, and Seller Profile from the left menu, you should see that it loads for each marketplace you are on. You will therefore need to repeat this process several times if you are in different nations.
- To view the store details, click Edit. I’m currently clicking on the American market. You can even set up your storefront URL right there! As you can see, I’ve filled up my seller name.
- I wanted to enter the store name there and press submit if I wanted to change it. You’re through.
- You might be wondering, though, where this merchant name appears and why it matters
Let’s take an example where we were looking for an “apple slicer” on and clicked to view the offers. You can see that ships and sells this highlighted item in the stock section. Let’s face it, most customers don’t really care from whom they purchase a generic product like this.
However, when purchasing a brand-specific item, buyers attempt to confirm that it comes directly from the brand’s maker (e.g., that GoPro sells a GoPro). In this case, people don’t care who makes the apple slicer; all they want is an inexpensive apple slicer.
You might be purchasing from someone else if, while purchasing vitamins, you see Apple Slicer Inc. as the vendor name but instead see a list of other people. This could negatively impact your conversion rates. The buy box and buy box percentage decrease if your conversion rates or seller experience decline. This is particularly true if you’re selling products that other people are also selling, in which case choosing the appropriate seller name could make a big difference.
That is essentially the reason it matters:
You might require a more inclusive name if you decide to modify what you’re selling.. Because of this, he chose a very generic brand name. If he had chosen a more specific name, it would have been difficult to scale his brand. Therefore, we advise you to start with a generic business name so that you can grow in a variety of ways. Additionally, your Amazon storefront name does not have to be your legal name; it could be a DBA of any name you choose. We won’t walk you through this process in this video, but you can also modify your tax information for your legal name, Amazon (rather than the business display name mentioned above), which is essentially the same procedure if you need to do so in order to sell a business. That account can also be transferred; it is entirely feasible.
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